anovulation (including polycystic ovary syndrome) in women in case of ineffectiveness of clomiphene therapy;
controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in ART programs;
ovarian stimulation in women with severe FSH and LH deficiency (in combination with LH drugs);
stimulation of spermatogenesis in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in men (in combination with hCG).
Treatment with Ovaleap (FOLLITROPIN ALFA)® should be started under the supervision of a medical specialist experienced in treating infertility.
The drug Ovaleap (FOLLITROPIN ALFA)® is intended for subcutaneous administration.
The first injection of Ovaleap (FOLLITROPIN ALFA)® should be administered under the supervision of your physician or qualified healthcare personnel. Self-administration of Ovaleap (FOLLITROPIN ALFA)® can only be carried out by patients who are well motivated, trained and have the opportunity to receive specialist advice.
It is recommended to change the injection site daily.
Anovulation (including polycystic ovary syndrome) in women if clomiphene therapy is ineffective. Ovaleap (FOLLITROPIN ALFA)® should be prescribed as a course of daily injections. Treatment begins in the first 7 days of the cycle. Stimulation is carried out under the control of ultrasound of the ovaries (follicle sizes are measured) and/or estrogen concentration. Stimulation begins with a daily dose of 75-150 IU, increasing by 37.5-75 IU after 7-14 days until an adequate but not excessive response is obtained.
The maximum daily injection dose should not exceed 225 IU. If there is no positive dynamics after 4 weeks, treatment is stopped. In the next cycle, stimulation should begin with a higher dose than in the previous cycle.
After achieving the optimal response 24-48 hours after the last injection of the drug Ovaleap (FOLLITROPIN ALFA)® 250 mcg r-hCG or 5000–10000 is administered once IU hCG. On the day of hCG injection and the next day, the patient is recommended to have sexual intercourse. As an alternative, intrauterine insemination may be performed.