Testosterone therapy in men for conditions associated with primary and secondary hypogonadism, both congenital and acquired.
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, including peanut oil, peanuts and soy.
Prostate or breast cancer has been diagnosed or suspected.
Method of administration and dosage
The drug Sustanon -250 should be administered deep intramuscularly.
The dosage regimen and duration of treatment usually depend on the patient’s individual response to treatment.
Usually the dose is 1 ml once every 3 weeks.
The safety and effectiveness of use in children have not been sufficiently studied (see Section “Children”).
Adverse reactions
The following adverse reactions were associated with androgen therapy in general.
During the use of the drug Sustanon -250 Several cases of diarrhea, pain or abdominal discomfort have been reported. There have also been cases of cholestatic jaundice and hepatitis obstruction of the urinary tract retention of sodium, chlorine, potassium and calcium and inorganic phosphates impaired glucose tolerance headache swelling, gastrointestinal bleeding. Allergic reactions may develop.
After discontinuation of the drug Sustanon-250, side effects persist for some time. Injections may cause a local reaction at the injection site (pain, itching, hyperemia).
When using androgens in adolescent children, adverse reactions such as premature puberty, increased frequency of erections, premature closure of the epiphyses, and increased size of the genital organs may occur.
The likelihood of developing acute toxicity of the drug Sustanon -250 upon administration is very low. Priapism and polycythemia in men are symptoms of chronic overdose. If these manifestations develop, treatment should be temporarily stopped, and after the specified symptom disappears, it should be restored in low doses.