What is ESTRAMON 100 and what is it used for?
ESTRAMON 100 – a drug for hormone replacement therapy (HRT). It contains the female sex hormone estrogen.
ESTRAMON 100 is used in postmenopausal women whose last menstruation (menopause) was at least 12 months ago.
ESTRAMON 100 is used for:
Relief of symptoms after menopause. During menopause, estrogen production in a woman’s body decreases. This can cause symptoms such as hot flashes in the face, neck, and chest (called hot flashes). ESTRAMON
100 relieves these symptoms that occur after menopause. ESTRAMON 100 will only be prescribed to you if your symptoms are significant.
affect your daily life.
Prevention of osteoporosis
After menopause, some women’s bones may become brittle (osteoporosis). You should consult your doctor with all available
Discuss treatment options. You may use ESTRAMON 100 to prevent the development of
osteoporosis after menopause if you have an increased risk of bone fractures associated with osteoporosis
and other medications are not suitable for you fit. Experience in treating women over 65 years of age is limited.